"Antwerp, the diamond capital of the world."
For over five centuries, Antwerp is the heart of the global diamond trade. It is the largest and leading diamond center throughout the globe. Over 85% of the world’s rough diamonds and 65% of the world’s polished diamonds are traded here, making an annual turnover of $ 40 billion.
The Antwerp diamond district is located just a short walk distance from the Antwerp Central Station. The area is mainly made up of 3 heavily guarded pedestrian streets: Schupstraat, Hoveniersstraat, and Rijfstraat. It is the only place in the world which houses four diamond exchanges: Diamond Club of Antwerp, Beurs voor Diamanthandel, Antwerpse Diamantkring and Vrije Diamanthandel. It comprises more than 1,700 registered diamond companies, 300 factories and total employment of 30.000. Among others also diamond institutes, specialized banks, security, and transport companies, travel agencies, hotels, restaurants and a synagogue. For centuries the diamond industry was mainly dominated by the Jewish community of Antwerp, although today the influence of Indian merchants is rapidly increasing. Walking through these streets, you will find different nationalities busily negotiating with each other, and everyone seems to know one another. On Saturdays, all the diamond exchanges and the majority of the jewelry stores are closed.
Orient your way around the surrounding streets, where you will find countless jewelry stores. Please be aware of not getting scammed. We kindly advise everyone who is considering to make any purchase, to read our How to Avoid Scams section. It will guide you and enrich your knowledge and confidence in all terms of the most important characteristics when buying a diamond. With a diamond market so big and diverse, it might be difficult even for the most experienced buyer to explore his journey in its full glory. Therefore Riginov lives up to her city’s reputation and has become a line of genuine. We will be very pleased to welcome you to our Riginov Boutique, which is a minute walk distance from the diamonds district.