Visiting Antwerp but you only have a day or a weekend? Spend your time wisely and buy your Antwerp City Card.
This card is the perfect inexpensive way to fully discover the city. Depending on the time of your stay, you can choose from 3 different rate formulas of 24h, 48h or 72-hour.
The Antwerp City Card includes:
- Free entrances or discounts at the city’s must-sees
- Free use of public transport
- A booklet with lots of discount vouchers for shops and attractions
- A practical information guide
- A handy city map
You can buy your card online or when in Antwerp.
Places to buy: Antwerp Central Station, Grande Place 13 or the Hyllit Hotel.
Or visit our Riginov Boutique and enjoy the benefit of a free Antwerp City Card.
We will be very pleased to welcome you!
For additional information please visit: www.visitantwerpen.be