Belgium is known throughout the world for its delicious chocolates. The superior quality, the unique combination of the finest ingredients, exclusive production methods and stringent quality controls makes Belgian chocolates unbeatable in taste.
The Belgian chocolate industry is almost 400 years old, it has a rich history in chocolate mastery which is strongly influenced by its colonial past. Belgium got its reputation for chocolate back in 1912 when Swiss migrant Jean Neuhaus founder of Neuhaus Chocolatier created the first praline, a chocolate bonbon with a hard shell and a soft filling. The pralines are sold in little gift boxes, patented under the name ballotin. These classic Belgian treats have become the hallmark of Belgian confectionery.
Our chocolatiers have an impressive reputation, their creations are not just culinary gems but also have an exquisite appearance. Call them sculptors or artists, Belgian chocolatiers repeatedly succeed in producing the most innovative and surprising chocolate designs. They are also widely praised beyond our borders. For example, chocolate manufacturer Boon created a unique chocolate Fabergé Easter Egg for the Easter collection of the famous Harrods store in London.
With the world’s largest chocolate factory and more than 2,000 chocolatiers all over Belgium, the country remains one of the reigning producers and exporters of chocolate in the world. Belgium can produce up to 600,000 tons of chocolate a year. It exports more than 400,000 tons of chocolate with an annual turnover of over 4 billion euros. Brussels Airport is the number one seller of chocolates around the world, selling over 800 tons annually. The average Belgian consumes over 8 kg of chocolate each year, one of the highest rates in the world. Can any other country claim such dedication to the cacao bean?
Brussels the capital of Belgium, and the Capital of Europe is also called the "Chocolate Capital of the World." It has more chocolatiers per square foot than in any other city across the globe. It is impossible to walk there more than a few meters without bumping into an excellent chocolatier. Belgium has a wide variety of top chocolate brands such as Leonidas, Neuhaus, and Godiva. Other famous chocolatiers are The Chocolate Line, Pierre Maroclini, Mary, Burie and Del Rey. Tasting or bringing home a box of pralines is an experience that can’t be missed when visiting Belgium.